Fantastic Fifteen!

Room 15's Blogtastic Blog

My Very Earnest Mother Jumps Sqeakly Upon Naughty People. N.L.

My Very Evil Monster Jumped Spinning Up Naughty People. S.W.

My Very Enormous Mother Just Sat Upon Nests. J.B

My Very Enormous monkey Juggles snakes under nests.C.A

Miss Victoria Evans Mother Juggled Seven Umbrellas Nicely. G.W.

My Very Excited Monster Just Sat Upon Nuts. B.B.

Here is some of Room 15's acronyms for the planets. If you notice some of them have a P at the end some don't. Do you know why?

We would love for you to leave some of your acronyms. Post a comment with yours!


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Welcome to Room 15's blog. We are a year 3/4 class in Auckland, New Zealand. Our ages range from 7 to 9 years old. We are endeavouring to share the cool things that we do in our classroom with the world. We encourage you to leave us a comment...

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