Fantastic Fifteen!

Room 15's Blogtastic Blog

If I were an alien I'd be a pale ocean blue and a tinkly torquize. I would move swiftly and softly and turn like an elegent white swan. I would be known as the star of Neptune or a dream come true to make Neptune win the award for facinating beauty even though everyone knows Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun not including our dwarf planet Pluto. I would spin and dance all day like the mysterious creatures called sparkledots who live under a thick crust of freezing ice, you can see them twinkling under the snow after a snow fall. They would also move gracefully. Somday I would presented as the gracfull ice leader of the best dancers in the world, I mean the universe.


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Welcome to Room 15's blog. We are a year 3/4 class in Auckland, New Zealand. Our ages range from 7 to 9 years old. We are endeavouring to share the cool things that we do in our classroom with the world. We encourage you to leave us a comment...

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