This term is going awesomely .We are learning about space and our BIG question is can we live on another planet and going to go to Murphy's bush to learn about and to show why our planet is so special and why? Today we are doing and making our own rocket. EVERYONE in class has been so cool and FUN!!! Our other teacher Mr's Jones thinks we are the best class in school.
by D.L
Gravity: If you weigh 50kg you would weigh 19kg on mars
Diameter: 6,787 km
Atmosphere: Seems to have "lost" most of its gases at some time in the past. Present atmosphere too thin to protect life from deadly ultraviolet radiation. Mostly carbon dioxide (95%), with some nitrogen (2.7%) in and traces of oxygen and other gases. Small amounts of water vapour form fog and clouds near the surface. Temp: highest -31degrees Celsius to lowest - 86 degrees Celsius
Moons: two -Deimos and Phobos.
Surface: Very rocky and gassey
Distance from Sun: 227,900,000 km.
Sunlight: Half as bright as on Earth
Rotation: 24 hours 37minutes
Orbit: One Mars 687 Earth days
By D.L, N.L, T.R
atmosphere: jupiters atmosphere is made from 90% hydrogen and 10%helium.
size/diameter: jupiter's diameter is 88,650miles.
interesting facts:jupiter has at least 39 moons
Our gravity on Earth pulls two objects depend on two things:Mass, Distance. Atmosphere: 76% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Distance from the Sun: 149.6 million km. Surface temperature : 89.c to 58.c satellites (the moon). Interesting Facts: Seen from space,